Propane Pre-Buy – CLOSED

Propane Pre-Buy is closed for the 2024-2025 season – thank you to everyone who participated! If you placed an order with us, please review the section below for the details on how pre-buy works. We are here to help you if you have any questions – call us at 800-421-5863, or email

Remember, if you are on will-call delivery, you are responsible for contacting us when your tank is at 30% capacity to schedule a delivery of your pre-buy gallons. Please keep an eye on your tank to ensure that you don’t run out of gas!

New Feature – Price Matching: While very rare, it is possible for our propane market rate to drop below our pre-buy rate during the pre-buy season. If this happens, we will price match and deliver your gallons at our lower rate.

Pre-Buy Season and Details by Type of Service:

  • Non-Metered Service with Member Will-Call Delivery: Scheduled Delivery Months of October 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025. If you are currently on will-call delivery, you will stay on will-call delivery throughout the pre-buy season. You are responsible for contacting Consolidated when your tank is at 30% capacity to schedule a delivery of pre-buy gallons. The minimum delivery amount is 150 gallons. If you run out of gas, or if your tank is at 5% or less and you require delivery sooner than our lead time of 10 business days, you may be charged for a leak test and/or expedited trip. If you use up your pre-buy gallons before the season ends, all additional gallons delivered will be billed at our market rate.
  • Non-Metered Service with Automatic Delivery: Delivery months of October 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025. We will monitor your account and refill your tank at intervals determined by your past propane use. If you use up your pre-buy gallons before the season ends, we will continue to automatically fill your tank, but all gallons above your pre-buy order will be billed at our market rate.
  • Metered Service: Billing months of October 2024 – April 2025. Please note, billing dates are one month behind use dates. This means that your October bill could reflect propane use from portions of August/September or September/October, and your April billing date could reflect propane use from portions of February/March or March/April, etc. The exact date depends on when your meter is read each month and when you receive your bill. The service availability charge is added to your pre-buy contract to be paid at the time when you purchase your pre-buy gallons. If you use up your pre-buy gallons during pre-buy season, all additional gallons used will be billed at our market rate.